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A Kiswahili term meaning to fly. The project trains women to make jewelry and empowers them with leadership skills. Our main objective is to enable the women to be empowered holistically, to give them the self esteem and independence to ‘fly’ . Being leaders, we hope they will be  able to lead their families and neighborhood with confidence, knowledge, and skills  as  models, making a change and impacting lives.

WoPepea is thus an environmental friendly jewelry brand that provides handmade unique jewelry made of reused paper. Our jewelry is made by women from underserved communities in Kenya who through WoPepea gain economic independence, increased skills as well as awareness within environmental sustainability .

We are currently trying to find new markets, local and international, to sell WoPepea products.

The Women

Rose Kalewa

She is a 45 year old lady, and resides in Kisumu Ndogo - Kibera with her five children.
Her greatest aspiration is to start a general shop business  with the income she gets from the WoPepea jewelry – that is the necklaces, earrings and the bangles  and from well wishers and maybe from a grant she hopes to get in the future .
Rose feels WoPepea has helped her acquire skills, income and kept her abreast in health issues and sanitation.

Rhoda Wekali

Rhoda is 59 years old and resides in a village called Makina in Kibera slums. She is married with six children.
Her greatest  aspiration is to start a business of selling shoes and household goods in the future.
Apart from the monthly income she gets from making WoPepea beads, she also washes  clothes for people to sustain her family.
She feels WoPepea  has  been a great help to her because it provides  her with a monthly income and keeps her informed of how to live a healthy life.

Zainabu Abdulai

Zainabu Abdulai  is a 50  year old  lady and resides in a village called Kambi  Maru in Kibera.
She is a widow with four children, after her husband died during the post election violence.
She hopes  to  start  a fish selling business .
Wopepea (making of paper beads) has helped her to  afford   food  and  be able to pay school fees for her children.

Jesca Amkonyi

Jesca Amkonyi is a 42  year old lady, and resides in a village in Kibera slums called  Katwekera. She is single with three children.

Currently she has a grocery business which supplement  the income she gets from the WoPepea  which has enabled her  afford    food, school fees for her children   and  pay rent for her house in Kibera. 

Jackline Nthenya

Jackline Nthenya is 36 year old lady who resides in a village Kisumu  Ndogo. She has five children.
She aspires to   start   a  shoe  business located at a place called line saba.
The making of the recycled paper jewelry has assured her of monthly income, which has enabled her to take care of her family and also kept her abreast with current issues concerning health and leadership.

Leah Ochana

Leah   Ochana is the youngest in the WoPepea group.  She is a 27  years old lady, who resides in Kambi Muru and is married with four children.

She is sharing the leading position of the group with Ruth. She currently runs a second hand clothe  business and aspires to expand her business in the future .
WoPepea has enhanced her life by improving her living standards through the monthly income  she earns.

Selinah Namolo

Selinah Namolo is a hard working lady aged 42 years old and resides  Lindi Village in Kibera slums. She is married with four children.
Selinah sells fresh vegetables, which she buys from the money she gets from making the WoPepea necklaces and earrings. The profits she makes allow her to afford food and school fees for her children.
She aspires to start  a hotel business with a grant she hopes to get  from AHCP and repay with her monthly profits.

Ruth A. Okoth

Ruth A. Okoth is 47 years old  and Resides in Dandora. She is the leader in the group.
She is married with three children, and currently volunteers her services in AHCP. She also makes recycled paper beads to get an additional monthly income. Her aspiration is to start a jewelry  shop which she hopes will  change her living  standards.
WoPepea has helped her acquire skills, improve her network and given her a monthly income.

Our Partners


AHCP  searches for various markets abroad for the women’s jewelry  and  also  tries to sell them locally..
Out of the process from the sale, the women get 60%, while  20% go to the material & postage and 20% go to AHCP for the sustainability of its operations.

The Future

AHCP is looking for various partners (
individuals, outlets like shops / stores, student associations, etc.) to market for them the WoPepea’s jewelry, for the realization of their goals.

Re-Awake from Sweden​

​​Contact us:

+254 710492066

+254 701042823

+254 202642010

​Find us: 

Olympic Off Kibera Drive, 8

P.O. Box 27996-00100

Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya



NGO Registration number:


Registered on August 11th, 2005

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