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Center of Hope School

Background information


Recent statistics from Oxfam GB shows that there are 123,000 school aged children missing out on education in Kibera.These schools have few if any trained teachers and staff, inadequate text books with ratio of textbook to pupils 1:6 ,most of these schools in the informal schools  are often over-crowded . About 90 % of Kibera residents live below a $1 a day ,thus most  parents  struggle to pay $ 70 per month that most schools charge de these,they still have to pay their children uniforms, exam fees and for the school’s feeding program.


Its against this background that AHCP started the Center of Hope school to mitigate the situation by enabling the most vulnerable children to attend school.The school was inaugurated on the 13th of January 2014 starting with the baby class,middle and the nursery school and has since expanded to class 1 ,currently the enrolled children are 50 .


The Education program has indeed brought a lot of joy to AHCP's team in witnessing the disadvantaged children grow and blossom  and has indeed motivated the team to do even better.This would only be possible with more sponsors and team players on board,we are therefore inviting individuals ,corporate organisations and other like minded partners from all over the world to sponsor a child  each month to cater for not only tuition,but also for text books,a balanced meals,medical care  and full school uniform.


$ 20 each month

Provides food  for a child for a month

$25 each month

Provides food and stationery for a child for a month

$ 30 each month

Provides food, stationery and uniforms for a child for a month

$ 35 each month

Provides food , stationery, uniforms and medical care for a  child for a month

 We want a School in Kibera:
We are currently running a funds drive to facilitate our move to a larger, child- friendly space that will enable us to guarantee quality service delivery to the children of Kibera.
Thus, we are seeking to raise  USD 70000 to enable us to purchase a piece of land and construct a school with state of the art facilities and capacity to adequately host 100 children. This will enable us to extend services to more needy children

​​Contact us:

+254 710492066

+254 701042823

+254 202642010

​Find us: 

Olympic Off Kibera Drive, 8

P.O. Box 27996-00100

Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya



NGO Registration number:


Registered on August 11th, 2005

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