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Women Empowerment Program

​Karachuonyo District - Western Kenya

Women at our workshop in 2009 , Karachuonyo District Kenya

Kudho A Women's Group received training and a grant in our 2014 Economic Strengthening Program in Karachuonyo. They have as a result established several income generating activities including maize milling and poultry keeping.

Economic strengthening activities focusing on women care givers and women working in mining areas of Karachuonyo District


Vision: A creative, motivated and economically enabled women​


•  Provide trainings on Business skills and entrepreneurship to the Care givers

   and women working in Quarries of Karachuonyo District

•  Build capacity of women care givers and miners to mitigate the spread of

   HIV/Aids and provide Psychosocial support to OVCs (Orphans and

   Vulnerable Children)

•  Build a pool of HIV/Aids peer educators who can reach the affected families

   within the targeted groups and beyond

Our Partners

February 20th, 2013 - Karachuonyo District West

Selection of the women groups

The African Women Development Fund

AHCP has maintained a strong relationship with African Women's Development Fund since our initial interaction in 2009. In 2009, they supported our first Women Empowerment Program in Karachuonyo District by providing a grant that enabled us to train over 300 women in advocacy and negotiation skills so as to increase their capacity to lobby for safer sex.


In 2013, AWDF provided an additional grant to economically empower female at risk care-givers and mine workers in the region. As a result 15 women's groups (320) received training in business management as well as life skills. They have,in addition,jointly established 50 income generating activities.

Karachuonyo Constituency Development Fund Office

The Karachuonyo Constituency DFO is supporting AHCP in the implementation of the Women Empowerment Program. They give us local support, both material and moral.

​​Contact us:

+254 710492066

+254 701042823

+254 202642010

​Find us: 

Olympic Off Kibera Drive, 8

P.O. Box 27996-00100

Kibera, Nairobi, Kenya



NGO Registration number:


Registered on August 11th, 2005

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